Estate planning attorneys and probate and trust administration attorneys in San Diego play crucial but distinct roles in the legal processes involving legacy planning, asset distribution, and wealth preservation. Read more
Estate Planning Blog
You work hard for your money and want to ensure that your wealth distribution goes according to your wishes upon death. Read more
Estate planning is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your loved ones, but it’s a topic that many people tend to put off. In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 mistakes people make with estate planning and provide you with practical tips to help you avoid them and ensure your assets are protected. Read more
Ideally, when someone passes away, the paperwork and material concerns associated with thedeceased’s passing are so seamlessly handled (thanks to excellent preparation) that they fadeinto the background, allowing the family and other loved ones to grieve and remember thedeceased in peace. In fact, the whole business of estate planning—or at …
No one wants unnecessary court involvement in their life. But without careful and proactive estate planning, chances are that some aspect of your estate will end up being decided there. Here are two of the most common ways court proceedings can make their way into the management and distribution of …
(That You’ve Probably Forgotten when home buying) During the home buying process, you worked with a lot of individuals: your realtor, the seller’s realtor, the title company, the loan officer, and the home inspector. Now that you have finalized the purchase of your house, there is one more expert you …
The divorce process can be long and expensive. However, the work does not end once the divorce decree is signed. In order to ensure that your assets and estate planning wishes are carried out in light of this major life change, there are three things you must do as soon …
Your children are your pride and joy. It is no surprise that at some point or another, every parent likely becomes concerned about who will care for a minor child or children if one or both parents die or are incapacitated. From a financial perspective, many parents turn to life …
Protecting your family is important, especially when you have minor children, and even more so now that we are learning to live with COVID. With all of the unknowns of our current situation, you need some certainty. Having an up-to-date estate plan can be the first step toward providing that …
About 40 to 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. Regardless of how you feel about your child’s spouse Read more