In the intricate world of personal finance, few concepts hold as much potential to safeguard and grow one’s wealth as strategic estate planning. Read more
Limited Liability Company
From Bitcoin to Gmail accounts, the rules governing ownership, storage and transferability of digital assets differ significantly from traditional forms of wealth. Read more
The family vacation home is often a point of pride, a place for reconnecting and making memories. A vacation home, whether it’s in the mountains, near the sea, on a lake, or on a farm, can have sentimental as much as economic value. Read more
When multiple generations live on the same property, issues over ownership, who inherits what and who provides what can get complicated fast. Read more
When you think of a trust, you may have visions of contentious family gatherings in an attorney’s office after the death of a patriarch or matriarch. Read more
If you’re part of the baby boomer generation, you may be in the process of making plans to pass on any assets you have to your children and other beneficiaries. Read more
To protect assets effectively, you have to store them in the right legal entity. However, that can depend on whether you’re looking to protect business assets, avoid estate taxes, or protect personal assets from legal liability while running a business. Read more